Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Curing that Teacher-Itis

Senioritis = skipping class, missing tests, attending parties instead of athletic practice, generally slacking off at the end of the last year of high school.

I am certain that you have heard the term before, and (if you have a memory like mine) may even remember having a form of the "syndrome"  during your own senior year of high school.  Being a teacher, I know its symptoms all too well.  And even though it is known to typically occur towards the end of a student's senior year, the truth is, my seniors have been exhibiting signs since October.  In fact, I have a few juniors who seem shocked at the fact that we are still using our 90-minute class periods to do classwork instead of merely hanging out.  (Side Note:  We have over 9 weeks of school left:  Graduation is in the middle of June!).

So, while we are on the subject - Isn't it only fair for teachers to experience a little of these same feelings?  Not that I am slacking off (I promise!) ... but it seems that each year, right around the start of Spring, I am beyond anxious for the upcoming summer to arrive.  And (since my brain is a tad jumbled with a June wedding around the corner), this year, these thoughts seem to be stronger than ever.

However, today was just what the doctor ordered - as I was reminded why I love my job so much.  "Mama Wright" (as they call her) came up to school today, & together we met with the 30 students who will act as "wedding helpers" this June.  Each of my girls (and one boy) were excited & eager to help in any way that they can.  I realized how fortunate I am - to have students who are so willing to help - even when there is no grade involved.

Thank you to each & every one of my "wedding helpers" - the wedding certainly couldn't happen without you, and I am so lucky to have you all a part of such a special day.  I can't wait to see you in your white, khakis, and aprons!  And don't forget - I will no longer be Ms. Wright when you see me! :)

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