Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Making My List & Checking It Twice ...

I am definitely a list person; that is, I appreciate the value of a to-do list in my daily life.  I always have a to-do list on my desk at school (sometimes 2), usually have a to-do list on my fridge at home, and, most recently, have been using a to-do list from my palm cell phone.  I love lists so much that I don't know that I could function without them, and when I am able to cross an item off of my list, it is quite thrilling.

Tonight is the last night before my last day of school before a week and a half holiday break - one that is much needed & that I am really looking forward to.  And with a break, comes a change in my routine (which, truthfully, bothers me a little, and ,yes, I am aware that this is a sign of a type A personality ... much like my habit of writing lists).  Therefore, I may find it difficult to update my blog as normal before and during the coming days, so ... 

I wanted to take this opportunity to - write a list.  I fully plan on taking advantage of my time off to conquer some of the wedding tasks that have been looming over me during my busy last few months ... and know that I will be more likely to complete them if I officially write them here.  Here goes:

Wedding Tasks to Complete Over My Break:

1.  Finish DIY cones that we started at my bridesmaid dinner, and then restarted on one Sunday afternoon.
2.  Organize & update wedding binder. (That has gotten extremely messy lately ... )
3.  Meet with day-of-wedding-planner to ................. (I am sure there is a lot that we have to talk about.)
4.  Schedule dates for pre-wedding events.
5.  Begin the rather daunting task of creating the invitation.

I, obviously, could continue the list here, but don't want to disapoint myself if I can't get it all done.  So, Merry Christmas - enjoy your own holiday/break, and I will be back soon to update if I was able to thrill myself by checking off these five tasks.  Until then ...

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