Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Seriously MAD for Hats ...

OK ... so this post is not particularly a June garden wedding update ... but as our date gets closer & thus, our days get busier, I could use a short escape from my own wedding world.  Not that today's topic doesn't surround weddings, just not my own.

I realize that the royal wedding is now "old news" and that most likely, it is time for me to drop the subject.  In fact, I am fairly sure that when I brought out the article with the official reviews of Catherine's wedding dress in class today, I saw a few of my girls with their eyes rolled bank into their heads.  But regardless, I am indeed a sucker for these kinds of things, so I have to let it go just a little bit longer.  Especially since I haven't yet discussed the fabulous, fantastic, fashion-forward collection of hats adorned by the guests at Westminster Abbey on April 29th.

Other than the obvious highlights of the morning, such as Catherine's arrival, Prince William's face when he first saw his future wife, and (my personal favorite), Prince Harry's comment to his brother as the bride was walking down the aisle ... I was entirely entertained by the guest arrivals.  And I don't think I was the only one.  Now, my desire is that this trend will come to the United States - something about wearing a hat immediatly makes you feel more confident

Here are some of the most memorable hat moments from the royal wedding ...

So I admit it ... I liked these at first ... until almost every fashion commentator described how awful they were.  I now get it, and think I was taken by my euphoria of the moment before.

Love these - all three.  Can I wear one to the next wedding I attend?  Would it be appropriate?

Always love these two.  Perfection - both of them.  Even the one without the hat, obviously.

While I would like to play it off that we too were guests at the wedding, the fan & kitchen cabinets probably give it away ... But at least we got in the spirit.  Clearly.

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