Friday, May 20, 2011

A Bridal Tea Is Where We Will Be ...

It is hard to believe that another week has actually gone by, and that another "Wedding Friday" is upon us.  Perhaps even more astonishing?  That I just counted ... and after tomorrow, there are only 3 Fridays left before the Friday that will be our cowboy-themed rehearsal dinner, otherwise known as the day before I am officially a married woman!

So as the days quickly go by, the celebrations keep coming, and this weekend will be no exception.  Truly, I consider myself one lucky girl to have some fabulous people to celebrate with.  I realize that it is these members of my family & closest friends who will be those continuing to surround us in our new life as husband & wife, one that I am really getting anxious (and excited, and delighted!) to begin!  

 My bridal shower will be a tea party... complete with fun hats, "girly" dresses, tea cups, saucers, and (of course), lots of tea.  Possibly my favorite part?  It will be held at my grandmother's house, the same house that she has lived in since I was a little girl.  Seriously, my memories at this house date back to when the cement was poured around the pool & my dad helped me trace my name into the ground.  And I am fairly sure that Joe & I have been there to visit (and eat lots of my grandfather's good cooking!) at least 100 times. 
So I could not think of a better place.

Thank you to my grandmother & cousin for hosting such a special day, it means so much to me, and I am so grateful.
(Even though I am convinced that same grandmother will never read this ... she has yet to figure out my blog ... ). 

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